2020AArt 上海城市艺博会|南希画廊

时间:2020-11-06 20:31:51来源:南希艺术画廊

AArt上海城市艺术博览会以城市为名,凭借艺术品与家居环境融为一体的展览模式,打造自身特色与行业口碑。以“A”作为“一”的代名词,“A”可以寓意“人生第一件艺术品”,或是“每个家庭都要有一件艺术品”,AArt即蕴含了城艺会期望推动“艺术与生活对话”的初衷与宗旨。2020AArt 以“沪上精致新美学”为本届主题策划,在展览内容方面将呈现三大版块——画廊主展区“画廊荟萃”、青年艺术创作者的舞台“城市创新秀”,以及聚焦文创艺术机构、设计品牌的“艺术礼物”。

As the first international hotel-oriented art fair in China, AArt Shanghai City Art Fair takes the city as its name and uses guest rooms as display units. The exhibition method that connects its own characteristics and industry reputation is unique inintegratingartwork and home environment. With "A" as a synonym for "one", "A" can mean "a first work of art in your life", or "every family must have a work of art". AArt expects to promote theoriginal intention and purpose of"Dialogue with Life".

2020AArt is planned with the theme of "Shanghai Exquisite New Aesthetics", and will present three major sections in terms of exhibition content-the main gallery exhibition area "Gallery Gathering", the stage of young art creators "City Innovation Show", and the focus on cultural and creative "Art gift" for art institutions and design brands.

2020AArt 参展画廊


Nancy‘s Gallery 作为在沪有着多年艺术行业经验的知名画廊也受邀参展,届时南希画廊的几位重磅艺术家将亮相艺博会,这群兼备丰富市场阅历与成熟艺术创作能力的艺术家们,用与世人截然不同的角度观察这个世界,并用属于各自的绘画材料呈现出精妙的艺术创想,值得期待。

Nancy ’s Gallery in Shanghai as a famous with many years of experiences running art galleries are also invited to the event, when Nancy’s Gallery will appear a few blockbuster artists art exposition, the group with rich market experience and mature artists, art creation ability in observing the world and the world is very different point of view, and presents the subtle art of painting materials, belong to their respective components, is worth looking forward to.

Nancy’s Gallery 参展艺术家及作品

尤洋 You Yang


Born in Liaoning province in 1981, You Yang got his bachelor’s degree in Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in 2004 and got his master’s degree in the college of Fine Arts of Shanghai University. Since 2010, he has been teaching at the Art Institute of Northeast Normal University, focusing on urban public art.


Diamond Tiger No.3 / Mixed Media

105 x 95 cm


Tiger 1 / Silkscreen on Paper

109 x 87 cm

肖颖 Xiao Ying

艺术家肖颖主攻欧洲古典湿壁画与综合材料绘画比对研究。学术成果:曾荣获2013年全国油画作品展优秀奖;2019年入选2013届全国美展综合材料绘画大展;2017年入选国家文化部“艺术中国汇”中外青年优秀作品展,登上美国纽约大都会博物馆;2018-2020年参加国家艺术基金项目“周而复始”综合材料绘画学术邀请展,作品登上全国各大权威美术馆展出;2020年应邀参加“生活深处”国家艺术基金项目巡展;2020年參展日本福冈亚洲美术馆 · 中国当代绘画展。2017年出版专著作品集1部;曾受聘于中央美院继续教育学院、江西科技师范大学美术学院、景德镇陶瓷大学美术学院、山东美术家协会综材艺委会、上海松江综合材料艺委会等国内各大院校、专业单位为客座教授、特聘导师、艺术指导。

Xiao Ying mainly focuses on thecomparative study of European classical frescoes and comprehensive material paintings. Her academic achievements are as follows: won the excellence award(the highest award) in National Oil Painting Exhibition; selected for the 13th National Art Exhibition of Fine Arts, China 2019-Painting with Comprehensive Materials Art Exhibition; selected for "Fantastic Art China" - art exhibition for Chinese and foreign youth, and her works were exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; attended 2018-2020 China National Arts Fund Projects for Communication “Round and Develop - Academic invitation Exhibition of Comprehensive material painting”; attended "Dive into Life - Joint exhibition of Young Artist" in 2020; In 2020, she was invited to participate in the "Deep Life" National Art Fund project tour exhibition.She also attended Chinese Contemporary Painting Exhibition in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan, 2020; Xiao at once employed by School of Continuing Education in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Shangdong Artists Association Mixed Media Arts Council, Shanghai Songjiang Mixed Media Arts Council as visiting professors, specially-appointed tutors and art directors.

《花像 202005》综合材料

The Vision of Flowers 202005/ Mixed Media

60 x 80 cm

《花园 202008》综合材料

The Garden 202008/ Mixed Media

60 x 80 cm

冉启泉 Ran Qiquan


The artist Ran Qiquan was born in Dazhou. He graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1989 and is a member of the "Overhaul Chinese Contemporary Art Workshop". He was once the director of Beijing Liuhuan International Art District and is now the art director of 515 Art Creation Cave Art District. Ran Qiquan has always emphasized that the construction of touching works of art should not be limited to techniques. A good work should show the emotions and thoughts the artist has poured into. In the creation process, he constantly tries to create new works, the colors are extremely tense, and emotions held are very deep.


The Crystal Season / Paper Mixed Media

60 x 60 x 20 cm x 3


String-Ridge / Paper Mixed Media

100 x 70cm

杜海军 Du Haijun


Du Haijun, born in Yixing, Jiangsu in September 1978, graduated from China Academy of Art. He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association and lives in Shanghai. In his paintings, office buildings, high-speed trains, street scenes, crowds and other urban elements are reconstructed from a plain into a combination of geometry and color blocks, so that the three-dimensional objects form a harmonious and unified plane with geometric shapes in bright and pure colors. In these abstract graphic works, the windows are shining like stars, which constitute a metaphor for modern urban life. He is good at depicting people’s lives in detailed depictions, within realistic yet poetic contents.


Chocolate Wall/ Oil on Canvas

40 x 50cm


City Rhythm / Oil on Canvas

60 x 100cm

刘婷 Liu Ting

1981年生于浙江,师从于著名画家马一丹。远赴云南高校执教10年创作大量油画作品。2015年在日本东京都美术馆参加日本东京国际美术大展,获村山富市奖,及日本众议院议长邀请接见;2017年在美国纽约切尔西艺术画廊专区举办个人专题画展。纽约艺术展览的资深评论家、AICA(国际艺术评论家协会)的成员Mary Hrbacek高度评价了刘婷的作品,专稿发表于Culture Catch

Born in Zhejiang in 1981, Liu Ting studied with the famous painter Ma Yidan. He went to colleges and universities in Yunnan to teach for 10 years to create a large number of oil paintings. In 2015, she participated in the Tokyo International Art Exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan, and won the Tomiichi Murayama Prize, and was invited by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan; in 2017, she held a personal thematic painting exhibition at the Chelsea Art Gallery in New York, USA. Mary Hrbacek, a senior critic of New York art exhibitions and a member of AICA (International Art Critics Association), spoke highly of Liu Ting’s work, and the manuscript was published in Culture Catch.


Chinese Redbud / Oil on Canvas

60 x 60cm


Chongqing Forest / Oil on Canvas

120 x 100cm

廖扬 Liao Yang


Born in Nanchang, Jiangxi in 1983, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Shanghai University in 2005. "Shanghai 8:60 AM" was selected for the 18th National Printmaking Exhibition and won the Outstanding Work Award. "Many Stories in Alleys" was selected into the 11th National Art Exhibition and won the silver medal. "Winter" was selected into the 19th National Printmaking Exhibition. "Late Bus" was selected for the 20th National Printmaking Exhibition and won the Excellence Award. His works are collected by the National Art Museum of China, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Library, Zhejiang Art Museum, Guiyang Art Museum, Shenzhen Art Academy.


Shanghai Streets / Silkscreen on Paper

100 x 100cm


Parcel / Silkscreen on Paper

100 x 70cm

章华 Zhang Huang


Zhang Hua was born in1964, and graduated from the Sculpture Department of Hebei Arts and Crafts School in 1985. In 1998, he was accepted onto the graduate course class of the Sculpture Department at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is a member of the Chinese Sculpture Institute and has received the National City Sculpture Creation Design Certificate.

《阳光》 铜雕

Sunshine/ Bronze Sculpture

44cm x 15cm x 10cm


Melody From Heaven/ Bronze Sculpture

48cm x 37cm x 45cm

VIP专场 VIP Session


公众开放 Public Opening



地址 Location


HUALUXE Shanghai Twelve at Hengshan, 3F


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