
时间:2020-12-06 20:17:39来源:南希艺术画廊



During the Exhibition

开幕式上,策展人Nancy Lee女士作开幕致辞,向艺术家肖颖以及到场嘉宾致谢,协办方库茨艺术中心创始人Leo Li随后也致辞表示祝贺。艺术家肖颖向大家分享了创作灵感与态度,到场嘉宾均为肖颖对艺术创作近乎虔敬的态度所深深吸引。随后,荷兰当代艺术家两米Danny和策展团队代表祝米亚表达了对Nancychr(39)s Gallery的感谢以及对此次展览作品的喜爱。在艺术家肖颖营造的秘密花园之中,宾客们享用着葡萄美酒和精致的法式甜点,尽情分享对艺术的感悟,享受这一场精致动人的艺术盛宴。

值得一提的是, 在本次展览中,艺术家肖颖和在场的宾客们进行了一场别出心裁的互动创作,让大家更加直观的感受到艺术家肖颖纯粹而热烈的创作过程。色彩是及其有感染力的绘画语言,肖颖运用大色块,色调暧昧而浓厚,构成意味和富有表现力的抽象夸张似乎是色彩与线条的解放。


现场互动 Interaction


During the opening, the curator Nancy Lee madean opening speech, thanking artist Xiao Ying and all the guests. Leo Li, the founder of Coutts Art Center, also gave a talkto congratulate. Artist Xiao Ying shared her inspiration and artistic attitude. All the guests were deeply attracted by XiaoYingchr(39)s almost devout attitude towards creation. Then,Danny, a Dutch contemporary artist and Mia Zhu, the representative of the curator team expressed their gratitude to Nancychr(39)s Gallery and their love for the exhibited works. In this secret garden created by artist Xiao Ying, guests enjoyed wine and French dessert, shared the feelings of art, and enjoyed this exquisite and moving art feast.

It is also worth mentioning that during theexhibition, the artist Xiao Ying and the guests on the scene conducted a unique interactive creation, so that all of uscan directlyfeel Yingchr(39)s pure and passionate creation process. Color is a very appealing language. Xiao Ying appliedlarge color blocks with ambiguous and strong tones, and the expressive abstract exaggeration seems to liberate color and line.Feelings can be remembered, but also can be resonated. Xiao Yingchr(39)s sensitivityand powerenabledeveryone to find beautiful cells in heart. People breathedtogether with herworks, and feel the charm of the natural innocence and enthusiasm with empathy.


About the Exhibition



The works ofthe exhibition have strong expressive force withrich and unique in artistic language. In the current impetuous city life, people seem to have lost the meaning of being individuals. Artist Xiao Ying uses her brush to tear apart the surface and embrace the pure and primitive soul, arrivingat the secret garden in everyonechr(39)s heart. The garden series uses color composition, and the relationship between color blocks is both implicit and harmonious.The figuressometimes like water ripples generally show a senseof silence;sometimes seems like a sharp knife tearsopen a corner of the mirror. Appreciating the portrait and flower works of Xiao Ying islike wanderingin the forest of setting sun and watching the mysterious golden serenity slant through the branches and drop into the trees, rippling in the heart lake. The warm and harmonious hues in the work also highlight the longing for life and for light.

The audience had been led into a deep, leafy garden, sometimes made real by music in the distance, sometimes by a glance from one person. This is the profound and hidden world under the brushof artist Xiao Ying, and it is also the best place for the soul to rest.


About the Artist




Xiao Ying graduated from Nanchang University with master degree as well as the advanced training course of comprehensive material painting at Central Academy of Arts.She has won the excellent award of national oil painting exhibition in 2013; she was selected into the 13th National Art Exhibition comprehensive material painting exhibition in 2019; she participated in the modern art exhibition in Paris, France in 2016; her works of "Art China collection" were exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of New York in 2017; she participated in the contemporary painting exhibition of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan in 2020.




Welcome all of you to this exhibition!

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