
时间:2020-12-23 21:55:27来源:南希艺术画廊

流光 Flow of the Light







流光 —多重结构场域形态展

Flow of the Light — Multiple Constructions

学术主持/ Academic Director:

马一丹 Ma Yidan

参展艺术家/ Artists:

尤洋,章华,廖扬,两米丹尼,冉启泉,肖大勇,王小双,顾翔,张巍,Franz Burkhardt,李继,李月领,刘婷,邢庆信,Rody Iliesco (排名不分先后)


2020.12.24 — 2021.02.07 (周一闭馆)

December 24th, 2020 — February 7th, 2021 ( Mon-closed)

开放时间/ Opening Time:

周二至周日10:20-19:00, 18:00停止检票

Tuesday to Sunday: 10:20-19:00

展览地址/ Venue:



Coutts Art Center A Gallery,

2F Gala Mall, 66 Yincheng Rd, Shanghai.

票价:48 RMB/人

Ticket: 48 RMB/person

双人联票:60 RMB

Double Ticket:60 RMB

学生票:30 RMB(现场出示学生证)

Student Ticket:30 RMB




点线、几何、弯曲、重叠;表达、表现、解构、重建;油画、版画、雕塑、综合媒材,此次联展展出尤洋、章华、王小双、Rody Iliesco等15位中外当代艺术家,是一次对视觉美学淋漓尽致的探索与研究。

The ancient Greeks named the world after decoration, focusing on the beauty of the elements and the stars, because what you see with your eyes is as beautiful as the world.

Dotted lines, geometry, bending, overlap;expression,performance,deconstruction,reconstruction; oil paintings, silkscreen on paper, sculptures, mixed media. This joint exhibition will exhibit 15 Chinese and foreign contemporary artists, including You Yang, Zhang Hua, Wang Xiaoshuang, Rody Iliesco, etc, presenting an incisive exploration and research on visual aesthetics.

Artworks & Artists


Wang Xiaoshuang

王小双出生于河北沙河,获西安美术学院油画系学士与上海大学美术学院油画系硕士学位。2018 年参加中国青年艺术家赴意大利弗洛伦萨驻留计划,现工作生活于上海。曾于巴黎、上海、深圳等国内外城市举办展览。他运用色彩与线条的抽象融合,传达自己对当代城市生活的独特观点。

Wang Xiaoshuang was graduated at Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in Oil painting, and got the Master’s degree at Fine Arts of Shanghai University. He participated in the Residency Plan of Chinese young artists in Florence, and now he lives and works in Shanghai. He presents his distinctive view of modern city life in his paintings.

《看不见的城市41 Invisible City 41》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas


Rody Iliesco

Rody生于罗马尼亚,其父亲著名艺术家Constantin Iliesco与毕加索为挚友。Rody毕业于巴黎美术学院,系法国艺术家沙龙协会会员。曾在包括伦敦、罗马、纽约、斯德哥尔摩、上海等各大城市举办多场个人展览。她以单色的方式诠释印象主义风格,比喻性的表现在画中创造一种特殊的气氛。

Rody was born in Romania and graduated at the Fine Arts Academy in Paris.Influenced by Toulouse-Lautrec, Utrillo and Bernard Buffet and her love of Paris, her distinct and individual vision of the city has created the success which has brought her the great honor of being given a studio in the Paris City Hall.

《绅士大盗的酷车 The Car of Arsène Lupin》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 100cm


Liao Yang


Liao Yang graduated from the Fine Art College of Shanghai. Most of his artworks have been collected by the National Gallery, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Library and Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, etc. Liao Yang is very consciously about thinking of the society. Liao’s paintings are highly representative and exploratory in style and characteristics. He pays a high attention to vivid life with the rapid development of economic.

《上海街头 Shanghai Streets》

丝网版画 Silkscreen on Paper

100cm x 100cm


Ran Qiquan


Ran Qiquan, graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, is nowacademic director of Cave Art Gallery of Five one Five,a member of Daxiu Contemporary Art Workshop and the mayor of the Beijing Sixth-ring International Art District. His artworks represents complete break and reconstruction of“paper”, which shows a pure sense of innovation.Therefore we are able to see the accumulation of the thickness of the paper and the reconstruction of lines.

《三部曲-蓝 The Trilogy-Blue 1》

纸质综合材料 Mixed Media

100 x 100cm

You Yang

尤洋毕业于鲁迅美术学院,后进入上海美术学院深造。现任教于东北师范大学美术学院,主要研究方向是城市公共艺术,是国内第一批让涂鸦艺术正式走进美术专业大学课堂的艺术学者之一。“虎拥有巨大的体魄、凶猛的性格,而内心却没有安全感,他只是一个孤独的王者,这种深藏于灵魂的矛盾是我对它着迷的一个原因。” 《动物凶猛》系列已经完成了21幅作品,作品往往给人的感觉是开放、张扬、代表叛逆的,而他运用的一些涂鸦喷漆材料本身就是现代艺术中桀骜不驯、追求自由、张扬个性的文化符号。

You Yang got his bachelor’s degree in Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts and got his master’s degree in the college of Fine Arts of Shanghai University. As a Post-80s artist of strong individuality and creation, with “Tiger”as his main creation subject and using grafitti technique, You Yang’s artworks reflect the independence and self-strongness of the Post-80s generation in the intense social environment.

《动物凶猛第三组 Ferocious Animal 3rd Series》

综合材料 Mixed Media

240cm x 180cm


Xiao Dayong


Xiao Dayong graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, majored in stage design. Now he works in Xi’an Modern Drama Theater as a stage designer and he is also a member of Xi’an Artists Association & Shaan’xi Stage Design Association. In his artworks, Xiao Dayong focuses on Chinese kids and birds, expressing his concern of the environment of kids’ life and the relation between human and nature.

《瑜伽 Yoga》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

45cm x 40cm


Gu Xiang


Gu Xiang was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, studies in oil painting in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and is awarded with Degree of Master. He records the daily life with light colors. His paintings have both pressure of city and wildness of weald.

《寻 No.8 Seek No.8 》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

120cm x 120cm


Zhang Hua


Zhang Hua was graduated from the Sculpture Department of Hebei Arts and Crafts School. He was accepted onto the graduate course class of the Sculpture Department at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is a member of the Chinese Sculpture Institute and has received the National City Sculpture Creation Design Certificate.

《泳 Swimming》

铜雕 Bronze Sculpture

长 37 x 宽 88 x 高 14cm


两米丹尼来自荷兰,E-art 传播者,取名两米丹尼不仅仅是自己的身高,也是因为 “米”字比“术”字多“一点”。他的作品创作中都是技术里面“多一点艺术,艺术里面多一点技术,是为“两米”。丹尼致力于现代工业风综合材料油画和光影互动艺术装置。他先后在闵行群众艺术馆,城市规划馆展示展出过多件原创的光影互动艺术作品,其作品《攀登》荣获上海工艺美术协会颁发的艺术创意奖。

Two-meter Danny is from the Netherlands and an E-art communicator. In his creations, there is "a little more art in technology, and a little more technology in art”, which is "two meters". Danny is committed to modern industrial style integrated material oil painting and interactive light and shadow art installations. He has displayed many original interactive art works of light and shadow atMinhang Mass Art Center and The Urban Planning Museum, and his artwork Climb won the Creative Award fromShanghai Arts and Crafts Association.

家 Home

综合媒材装置 Installation


Li Ji


Li Ji is member of Shaanxi Artists Association and currently teaches in the department of oil painting in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. He studied in the Department of Chinese Spiritual Workshop in Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and got his master degree. He concentrates on presenting the nature, pursuing a condition of unconsciousness.

《赏松 Pines in the Winter》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 100cm


Li Yueling


Li Yueling is a modern oil artist and also a charitarian who lives in Beijing presently. Li, really a child deep in the heart,simply loves the pure and sincere world of children, and he’d like to have all the grown-ups to share with him the most precious part of human beings there. He has also created a series of portraits of 61 missing Children, which aroused the society to concern of this issue, taking social responsibilities as a citizen.

《厚积薄发 Gathering Strength to Start Out》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

150cm x 180cm

Liu Ting


Liu Ting was born in Zhejiang, a graduate from Southwest University,and has been teaching in a university in Yunnan for 10 years, a remote location of Chinese territory that inspired plentiful oil paintings from her. In Liu’s expressionistic work there is a utility-free feminine perspective and a super-natural expression of light and color with a strong subjective connotation. Liu paints portraits with an aesthetic pursuit that transcends individualism and embraces scenery and values.

《深红 Crimson》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100cm x 80cm

Franz Burkhardt

弗朗兹·布克哈特出生于德国沃尔芬比特尔,现居住于比利时的巴伦。他就读于德国布伦瑞克造型艺术学院(HbK Braunschweig),之后又师从于德国著名艺术家J. Brus获得硕士学位。他也曾在丹麦马斯特里赫特的林堡大学学习科学图解的硕士课程。曾于英国、法国举办个展,并于瑞士、意大利参加联展。他的作品同时还曾多次在瑞士巴塞尔的VOLTA-5等各种艺术博览会上展出。欧洲学院素描的笔触下,是细腻的观察与他对景象和时间的哲思,素描与文字产生二元对话,上升到一个新的表现维度。

Franz Burkhardt was born in Wolfenbuettel, Germany and currently lives and works in Baelen, Belgium. Burkhardt studiedart at the HBK Braunschweig with HP Zimmer, E. Cimiotti, and J. Brus, where he as well became a Master student of J.Brus until he graduated. He also participated at the Postgraduate Course in Scientific Illustration at the Rijksuniversiteit Limburg in Maastrich, the Netherlands. His sketchs contain his observation and philosophic considerations of time and scene, reaching a new dimension of expression.

《适合 Fitness》

素描 Sketch

32cm x 22cm


Xing Qingxin


Xing Qingxin was born in Shaanxi province and he graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. Howdo human beings treat and respond to nature withincreasingly serious ecological environment? Xing Qingxin responds with his paintings. He knows and feels everything around him in an original way of humankind. His paintings turn to post-anthropocentrism, like a spiritual third place, where the earth is full of vitality, showing a beauty of harmony between man and nature.

《 向光而生 Toward the Sun 》

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

230 x 180cm

Zhang Wei


Zhangwei was born in Lanzhou , Gansu Province. He started learning painting from his father at an early age, and he graduated from Department of Arts of Northwest Normal University. He is a member of Gansu Fine Art Society. His works have been selected into several provincial and national art exhibitions. Many artworks of him have been collected by international organizations and individuals. His creation focus on children, trying to presenting their pureness of being.

《风中的少年 Young Boy with Wind》

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

125cm x 50cm










周一至周日 10:00-22:00

Nancy’s Gallery

Gala Mall 2F-210,Lane 66,Yincheng Rd,Shanghai

Monday to Sunday:10:00-22:00


Nancy Lee


Welcome all of you to this exhibition!

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